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Dear taxpayers,

During the two years of fully implementing consolidated collection of withholding taxes and contributions, which began on March 1, 2014, a total of 7.444.597 correct Individual tax return applications have been submitted electronically. On a monthly basis, an average of more than 300.000 of these applications was submitted through the online service of Tax Administration. E-Taxes service is operating successfully and the technical capacities for the receipt and processing of applications are all set for further development of new services.

Full implementation of this system implies that the applications you submit are accounted as your obligations due for payment on the date you yourself have stated in the submitted application.

  1. Applications can be submitted each day, including Saturdays and Sundays, from 5.00 a.m. of the current day until 1.00 a.m. the following day. The time between 1.00 and 5.00 a.m. is reserved for the necessary adjustments of the Tax Administration system (renewing the accounting parameters, downloading the required changes and so on), so the system will not be able to accept and audit your applications.
  2. The payment authorization code which the Tax Administration assigns to the application you have submitted will be available for bank verification within 30 minutes. Therefore, upon the expiry of 30 minutes you will be able to give instruction for payment by online services or by bank transfer. The payment authorization code contains all the necessary information to identify the payment (so there is no need to make separate calculations of additional control numbers), and since it is generated by model 97, it is required only to input the model number, precisely number 97, along with the payment authorization code in the proper data field of the payment instruction.
  3. If, out of any reason, during the time framework set for application delivery, the Tax Administration system should stop operating or its operation becomes inadequate (from the standpoint of its speed, accuracy or any other operational property) you will be duly informed on the reasons, expected time for establishing proper working regime, and the solutions to possible problems which may occur as a consequence of the system malfunction.

The left side of the Menu contains information regarding the taxation rules, technical prerequisites and questions and answers.

In the Tax Regulations section you will find amended User’s Instructions for applying the Rulebook on withholding tax application. The first part of the Instruction contains an explanation of the types of individual tax return applications, a guide to completing and submitting the application via Individual tax return application form. The second and third parts contain descriptions of income type codes with respective taxes and contributions calculating explanations for each income type code, as well as the examples of entering the data in the Individual tax return application form in sections 3.6-3.17.

All additional questions and suggestions regarding the consolidated collection should be addressed to Please read the User’s Instructions and information provided in the FAQ section, since the answers you seek may already be listed there.

Video guide for submitting the Individual tax return application available here.