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About us

Office for Large Taxpayers started operating in 2002, in the capacity of a specific organizational unit in Tax Administration, established within the reform of the fiscal system and the efforts of consolidating and improving Tax administration.

This Office is responsible for taxpayers of certain importance for the fiscal revenues of the Republic of Serbia based on the amount of their tax obligations.

The purpose of establishing the Office is to:

  • Administer taxpayers bearing significant fiscal importance in one place and in a new manner.
  • Create the most favorable conditions for settlement of their tax obligations.
  • Enable maximum efficiency in administering the following public revenues: income tax, added value tax, excises, individual income taxes and contributions and other withholding taxes.

The mission of the Office is to control and execute collection of public revenues within its competences, while also promoting tax discipline by elevating the volume of voluntary fulfillment of tax obligations.

Office for Large Taxpayers endeavors to:

  • Promote voluntary fulfillment of tax obligations
  • Build a high level of common trust and respect
  • Facilitate fulfillment of tax obligations by giving proper information and reducing the expenses to the necessary level.

Future plans of the Office include:

  • Further encouragement of voluntary fulfillment of tax obligations
  • Constant development of internal capacities
  • Enabling the taxpayers to understand their real obligations in the proper manner and
  • Providing adequate and prompt assistance by giving reliable information and notification.

All your questions can be forwarded to the following e-mail: cvpo_pp@pо or you can contact us by phone No 011/333 0 806.