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How to become a user?

Accessing e-services of the Tax Administration by using Qualified Electronic Certificate

  • To access electronic services on the ePorezi portal, it is necessary to install the specially designed ePorezi application
  • Electronic services of the Tax Administration is accessed through a Qualified Electronic Certificate with a chip issued by one of the Certification Bodies in the Republic of Serbia - The Register of Certification Bodies is available at
  • A natural person on their own behalf or a legal representative of a legal entity on behalf of a legal entity accesses the Tax Administration's electronic services directly, i.e. without the need for any prior registration to use these services.
  • The legal representative of a legal entity may, on behalf of the legal entity, using PEP form submitted in the competent organizational unit of the Tax Administration, authorize another person (“person authorized for the use of electronic services”) to use e-services of the Tax Administration on their behalf.
  • To use a Qualified Electronic Certificate, it is necessary to have a card reader with a chip (Smart Card). If a USB token is used as the medium for electronic signature, a card reader is not required.


The legal representative of a legal entity can grant or revoke authorization using the ePorezi portal, provided that they possess a valid Qualified Electronic Certificate.

In the event that the legal representative, i.e. the person granting the authorization, does not possess a Qualified Electronic Certificate, the authorization can be granted by filling out the PEP form and submitting it to the competent organizational unit of the Tax Administration.

Information about obtaining and using a Qualified Electronic Certificate can be obtained on the websites of authorized Certification Bodies..

Access to electronic services of the Tax Administration using the ConsentID mobile application and signing tax returns with a cloud certificate

Relevant information about the procedures for activating the ConsentID mobile application and cloud certificates are available on the website

Access to the ePorezi portal using the ConsentID application is via the link using one of the most widely used internet browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge).

If the user chooses to use the ConsentID mobile application and a cloud certificate to access the portal and sign tax returns, a Qualified Electronic Certificate on a smart card or USB token is not required.

You can download the user manual for accessing the ePorezi portal and signing tax returns by using the ConsentID application and cloud certificates here.