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Ministry of Finance of The Republic of Serbia - Tax Administration Information Bureau News Obtaining information about the balance of individual tax accounts of taxpayers

Obtaining information about the balance of individual tax accounts of taxpayers

Print Page

26. 10. 2023.

Taxpayers can obtain information about the balance on individual tax accounts (balance inquiry) in two ways: via the ePorezi portal (for the current year) and from the Contact Center.

Via the ePorezi portal, a taxpayer can download a balance inquiry for the current year if they have an electronic certificate. In this case, they should select the "Balance inquiry" option, then select synthetic or analytical. Then they enter the email address to which the taxpayer wants the cards to be sent and click "Send a request to check the balance."

Taxpayers can obtain cards from the current year as well as cards from previous years, i.e. from 2003, by calling the Contact Center at 0700-700-007 or 011 6969 069, to submit a request for obtaining individual information on the balance of tax accounts, which will be forwarded to them the next day to their email address. For the service of obtaining information on the balance of individual tax accounts through the Contact Center, taxpayers must first register by submitting an ЕКПЛ/ЕКФЛ form to the Tax Administration. ЕКПЛ/ЕКФЛ registration forms are available on the Tax Administration website at

Printed, filled out and signed forms can be sent by mail to the following address: Tax Administration, PO Box 93, Cara Dušana 145, Zemun or scanned and sent electronically to the following email address:

The forms are available on the Tax Administration website,, in the section Contact Center/Provision of individual information on the balance of tax accounts section.